
解锁 5 周不容错过的特惠活动



Buy Points & Get 40% More for Future Travel

Give your points balance a boost. When you buy Wyndham Rewards points, you’ll get 40% more1 to use for go free® award nights. Free nights start at just 7,500 points per night2 and your points don’t expire for four years , so you can choose to redeem them now or save them to use later.3

Ends April 3, 2022. Minimum purchase required.

Redeem your points for:

  • go free® award nights starting at 7,500 points per night2
  • go fast® award nights starting at 1,500 points per night plus some cash2
  • Merchandise, gift cards, subscriptions, and more

Buy Points & Get 40% More for Future Travel

Give your points balance a boost. When you buy Wyndham Rewards points, you’ll get 40% more1 to use for go free® award nights. Free nights start at just 7,500 points per night2 and your points don’t expire for four years , so you can choose to redeem them now or save them to use later.3

Ends April 3, 2022. Minimum purchase required.

Redeem your points for:

  • go free® award nights starting at 7,500 points per night2
  • go fast® award nights starting at 1,500 points per night plus some cash2
  • Merchandise, gift cards, subscriptions, and more

1Get 40% More Points for Future Travel

Between March 2, 2022, 12:00:01 am EST and April 3, 2022, 11:59:59 pm EDT (the “Promotion Period”), this offer provides Wyndham Rewards members who purchase Wyndham Rewards points from points.com in accordance with these terms and conditions additional points in an amount equal to 40% of their point purchase (the additional points earned pursuant to these terms, the “Bonus”). For clarity, Bonuses awarded in connection with this Offer will not be applied against the annual cap that is applicable to Wyndham Rewards point purchases outside of the Promotion Period, but underlying point purchases made during the Promotion Period will count against such cap. Minimum point purchase required for a transaction to be eligible for a Bonus; amount of such minimum will be set forth at online point of purchase.  (The foregoing minimum purchase requirement applies each time a purchase is made during the Promotion Period.)  Offer is subject to change. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Only purchases made online are eligible for this offer. Points will be posted to the recipient's Wyndham Rewards account within 72 hours after the completed transaction. Points purchases do not count toward Member Levels. All points.com transactions are final and non-refundable. Points.com and Wyndham Rewards reserve the right to terminate this offer at any time. Except as specifically modified as set forth herein with respect to the increased minimum purchase on Wyndham Rewards points purchases during the Promotion Period, points purchased are subject to the Wyndham Rewards program terms and conditions.

2More information about go free®  go fast® award nights: 

Participating properties only. Go Free awards at hotels require 7,500 - 30,000 points; at vacation club resorts and vacation rentals, 15,000 - 30,000 points per bedroom are required. Go Fast awards at hotels require 1,500 - 6,000 points, plus a cash payment; at vacation club resorts and vacation rentals, 3,000 - 6,000 points per bedroom, plus a cash payment, are required. Member must have enough points for all bedrooms in desired accommodation to book award nights. Award nights at hotels are for standard rooms. Per night resort fees may be payable, even for award nights; points can’t be used to pay them. Cancellation policies vary by property. Subject to availability; Blackout dates/rates, minimum length of stay requirements & other restrictions apply. Most properties: applies to room rate only (go free: including taxes, go fast: excluding taxes). Amount of cash required for go fast nights varies by property & other advance fees also typically payable at vacation club resorts and vacation rentals for these nights. See www.wyndhamrewards.com/terms for more information.

3More Information about Points Expiration

Although Wyndham Rewards points typically expire four (4) years after completion of the activity for which they were earned, in some cases, they can be forfeited earlier. One cause of early forfeiture is account inactivity, i.e., the failure to earn, redeem or transfer points, for a period of 18 consecutive months. For more information on the expiration and early forfeiture of Wyndham Rewards points, please visit www.wyndhamrewards.com/terms.



赚取多达 5 倍积分


这个春季多住多得,赚取更多积分。您下一次符合资格的住宿将赚取多达 5 倍温德姆奖赏计划积分,这意味着您将拥有更多积分可用于兑换免费和折扣住宿。


连住 2 晚, 赚取 2 倍积分

连住 3 晚, 赚取 3 倍积分

连住 4 晚, 赚取 4 倍积分

连住 5 晚及以上, 赚取 5 倍积分

注册参与此次促销活动并在 2022 年 5 月 9 日前通过直销渠道预订;在 2022 年 5 月 31 日前完成您符合资格的住宿。请务必在完成符合资格的住宿前注册参与促销活动。积分翻倍将仅适用于基础积分。查看条款与细则,了解更多信息。



请于 2022 年 5 月 9 日前通过直销渠道预订住宿,并于 2022 年 5 月 31 日前完成符合资格的住宿。


完成住宿后,根据入住天数,您将获得 2 至 5 倍积分。

在 2022 年 5 月 9 日前,点击下方注册参与此次促销活动。您必须在完成符合资格的住宿前进行注册。


请于 2022 年 5 月 9 日前通过直销渠道预订住宿,并于 2022 年 5 月 31 日前完成符合资格的住宿。


完成住宿后,根据入住天数,您将获得 2 至 5 倍积分。


请于 2022 年 5 月 9 日前通过直销渠道预订住宿,并于 2022 年 5 月 31 日前完成符合资格的住宿。


完成住宿后,根据入住天数,您将获得 2 至 5 倍积分。


“积分翻倍得 —— 赚取高达5倍积分”促销条款与细则:

此次促销活动条款与细则(以下简称为“促销条款”)中所使用的未定义的术语将引用温德姆奖赏计划条款与细则,具体可参见 www.WyndhamHotels.com/wyndham-rewards/terms(以下简称“计划条款”)。 温德姆奖赏计划会员如欲参与本次促销活动(以下简称为“促销”),则必须:

(i) 在 2022 年 3 月 9 日至 2022 年 5 月 9 日之间,登录wyndhamhotels.com/wyndham-rewards, wyndhamhotels.com或任意参与活动的连锁酒店品牌官网,wyndhamhotels.com/wyndham-rewards或通过温德姆酒店集团应用程序,完成注册即可参与此促销活动。(在此“促销条款”中,任何按照上述要求注册参与促销的会员可能亦称为“已注册会员”);

(ii) 须完成注册后至 2022 年 5 月 28 日之前,通过任何直销预订渠道(定义见下文)在温德姆奖赏计划参与酒店预订至少连续两 (2) 晚符合资格的住宿,并在 2022 年 5 月 31 日前完成该住宿。(此处第 (ii) 条规定的要求统一简称为“预订和住宿要求”)。


(a) www.wyndhamhotels.com/wyndham-rewards、wyndhamhotels.com、任意参与活动的连锁酒店品牌官网;

(b) 温德姆奖赏计划或参与活动的连锁酒店官方服务热线;

(c) 直接在参与活动的酒店预订;或者

(d) 通过温德姆酒店集团应用程序预订客房。

根据“预订和住宿要求”,已注册会员预订并完成一次连续两 (2) 晚、连续三 (3) 晚、连续四 (4) 晚、连续五 (5) 晚或连续更多晚符合资格的住宿,对应上述各类情况,将分别赚取其在非促销活动中根据“计划条款”可赚取的基础积分的 2 倍、3 倍、4 倍或 5 倍的积分(已注册会员根据此“促销条款”赚取的额外积分简称为“奖励”)。例如,已注册会员根据“预订和住宿要求”预订并完成一次连续三 (3) 晚的符合资格的住宿,根据“计划条款”可赚取 3000 点基础积分,根据此“促销条款”,可赚取总共 9,000 点积分(3 X 3000 = 9,000,其中 3,000 点积分称为基础积分,其余 6,000 点积分称为奖励)。  若此次“促销条款”中无另行说明,则无论会员根据“预订和住宿要求”预订并完成了多少次住宿,每位已注册会员最多只能获得一 (1) 次奖励。任何根据“预订和住宿要求”预订并完成多于一次住宿的已注册会员,将按照会员注册此次促销后首次完成的此类住宿赚取奖励。此处特别澄清,会员如未入住将不会获得奖励。符合资格的住宿受特定条款约束且通过第三方在线预订不符合参与此次促销的资格;有关符合资格的住宿的更多详情,请参阅“计划条款”。  一般情况下,奖励会(将)在会员完成符合促销资格的住宿后二至四周内发放至其可正常使用的会员账户中。此处特别澄清,以下情况任何住宿 (a) 在注册此促销前预订或消费(无论是全部或是部分),(b) 在 2022 年 3 月 9 日前开始和/或 (c) 在 2022 年 5 月 31 日后结束,都将不计入此促销。  根据温德姆奖赏计划条款与细则与以及奖励积分形式相关条款,选择航空里程的会员,将以航空里程形式赚取其常规积分,而无法获得温德姆奖赏计划积分兑换免费住宿。

*重要提示:根据此“促销条款”,连续两 (2) 晚、三 (3) 晚、四 (4) 晚 、五 (5) 晚或更多晚符合资格的住宿应有资格获得奖励,但如若此类房晚的预订时间不同且/或住宿关联的预订确认电话不止一个,即使预订的房晚是连续的,处理方式也可能会有所不同。如果您认为您(所)赚取的积分受到此类情况的影响,请致电会员服务热线详询。

温德姆奖赏计划 (Wyndham Rewards, Inc.) 可取消或修改此次促销,恕不另行通知。除非本文件中特别修改,此次促销除遵守“促销条款”外,还必须遵守“计划条款”的所有内容,如与相关法律冲突,则以相关法律规定为准。

Check back on March 16 for your new deal.



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Check back on March 23 for your new deal.

Check back on March 30 for your new deal.